
This website is an online environmental resource for kids to find ideas, information, and inspiration to go green.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Going global

All over the world, voices are speaking up in concern for our planet. From Singapore to Portugal, from Argentina to South Africa, our collective voices are growing stronger and bolder. Although our struggles maybe very different, and the consequences of global warming and the loss of natural resources and habitats may be greater on some, we all are fighting to make a difference and be heard. It can be easy to get swept up in our own worlds and not realize that the fight to protect our planet is a truly global one.

For the next month on the Green Guide for Kids we will be taking a look deeper into the environmental issues facing communities all over the world. If you would like to contribute or share your own story, pictures or ideas, they would be very welcome. When you share your ideas with others on the Green Guide for Kids, you have a truly global audience. People from 99 countries around the world have visited this site for information and inspiration.

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