
This website is an online environmental resource for kids to find ideas, information, and inspiration to go green.

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"If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children, I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life." Rachel Carson

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Start a Revolution!

Speak up! Make a fuss! Protest! Be heard! Be demanding! Be stubborn! Say no! Break the rules!

Most periods of great human progress were met with strong resistance. It took forward thinkers and brave men and women to lead the way. You may also face skepticism and indifference along the way, but just imagine if Susan B. Anthony or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had thrown in the towel because what they were trying to accomplish was unpopular.

Now it’s your turn to lead the way. By now you probably have a few ideas of your own. New ideas and solutions are what fuel a movement and what will keep the Green Revolution alive

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