Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Outside, the book

Today is the day, it's been five years in the making! My picture book, Outside, is officially published.  I was inspired to write this book by my love of the outdoors. I believe that there is a world of wonder and imagination that awaits when you step outside. As the W.B. Yeats quote reads on the opening page: "The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."

If you happen to want a signed copy, you can order from Phoenix Books in Burlington. They will ship it to you after my book launch event happening there on 11/8/14. You can also use Indie Bound to find it locally. And if you'd like a discount, buy direct from the publisher.

If you happen to be either in Vermont or New York City, please join me for one of these upcoming events.

Here's a synopsis:

Enter a snowy world of wonder and fantasy as one child steps outside and opens the door to the brave new world of his imagination.  

and a review:

"Readers will want to reread the simple but meaningful text and bask again in the glorious illustrations of this splendid debut." -Kirkus, starred review


  1. Thanks for such a great blog ! I really appreciated the read and shall be dropping by from time to time now.

  2. I am sure that your book is very interesting! I've already odered one. My girls will surely enjoy it!


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