Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Eco Boys and Girls Earth Day event!

With Earth Day right around the corner, there are plenty of great opportunities to get involved and learn more about the protecting the environment. On Saturday April 24th there will be a great event at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, NJ that you might want to check out if you are in the area. Fashion designer, former model, artist and Eco-Pioneer Maria Snyder will be introducing her latest project, Eco Boys and GirlsTM with a two hour fun filled adventure and scavenger hunt for children. The event will introduce the children to Ernie Earth©, Lulu Love©, Patsy Peace©, Ray Recycle© and Sammy Sun© who will bring messages of love, peace and environmental awareness. To learn more, click here.


  1. Yes there are many ways...just a small walk to school instead of the car may be...or stop using plastic or start eating organic.There could be plenty of ideas.

  2. Increasing environmental awareness in children is one key way we can all work to promote a healthier environment and greener planet. Green activities for kids teach them about the planet, respect for living creatures and recycling.


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