Monday, February 23, 2009

From Florida to China...Lilly Tougas goes green

Lilly Tougas, a young girl from Florida, has done extraordinary things to educate her community about going green. She is a great example of how one small person can make a big impact. Last year Lilly was invited to travel to China during the Beijing olympics to paint a mural with the artist Wyland and with children from all around the world to raise awareness about taking care of our oceans. I was lucky enough to get an interview with Lilly to ask her about her quest to go green.

How old were you when you learned about what it means to "go green?"

When I was 3 at my Montessori school, I would sing a song "the Earth is our Mother, we must take care of her" and I took it very seriously. When I was 6, my Mom and I read a book called "Hold Your Water" by Wyland and Steve Creech. At the end, I took a pledge, like a check off list of things and learned a lot about what to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya! I just found your blog and I love it! I am the Mum to 2 girls - Fiona (almost 4) and Matilda (6 months) - am always trying to instill eco friendly values. I am adding your blog to my list as an important resource. I will definitely be back! Keep up the great job! Cheers, Kimberly


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