Monday, August 4, 2008

The Green Olympics

All across the world, eyes will be focused over the next few weeks on the athletes competing in the Olympics in Beijing. There are a few that are should be admired not only for being world class athletes, but for speaking out about protecting the environment. Grist has put together a great list of these Green Athletes. Check out what they are doing to make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED to watch the Olympics! The athletes were amazing, China was beautiful to see, and it was very entertaining! I just have one complaint. I thought that it was a GREAT idea to call it the "Green Olympics", in fact I was very excited about it; however, did anyone notice that not much was being said in the way of "Green Awareness"? I mean seriously, we have the worlds stage, millions of viewers, and no real Shout outs to "Going Green". I was excited when I heard that it would be known as "Green", it would be like a little birdie talking in all the viewers households about green issues. I know that the Olympics is about sports, but I also think that more commercials and news clips could have been geared toward the global issues.


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