On Tuesday, January 20th, their father will be inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States. But the Obama girls have already begun their new life in Washington, D.C., at the very green Sidwell Friends School. In fact, the Sidwell Friends School is rated the greenest school in the world after a new environmentally friend middle school was constructed in 2006. The sustainable design includes water-efficient landscaping, use of local and recycled materials like cedar barrels, a green roof, solar panels, natural ventilation, and solar trash compactors. They even constructed a wetlands to help clean waste water and reduce water use. Watch the video to learn more about Sidwell friends and maybe even discover a few ideas for turning your school into a green school.
Yay! You're officially half way through the school year. And now it's back to the grind for another 5 1/2 months. If you are looking for a good way to freshen things up to starve off the winter doldrums, you can revamp you school lunch and do your part to prevent unnecessary waste. One company that has stepped up to create a completely green reusable lunch kit is Kids Konserve. Their kit comes with a recycled cotton sack, stainless steel food and beverage containers, a cloth napkin, a food cozy and a recycled name tag.